Since The Beginning:

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Update on the Homefront!

I'm just checking in to give my (few yet incredibly important) readers an Update as to why I haven't posted in the past few weeks.

It isn't unusual for me not to post, or to have scheduled posts in advance, during the time I have my children. However, I have them longer this month due to their father's girlfriend having been sent home sick from work and needing to be tested for CoVid19. Yes, after everything this virus is still popping up. 

I have no idea how long before she gets tested, or how long they'll take in getting the results - let alone when I'll be informed. I do know, that until she's cleared, the boys will be with me.

Luckily, I have easy access to all their homeschool materials and smart boys. Sadly, this means they are cooped up and hyper, but they're happy for the time with their mommy. 

I'll still try to post, while they're napping and whatnot, but until then this will simply have to suffice for now. 

Thank you and blessed be, my friends.