Since The Beginning:

Saturday, June 18, 2022

When Women Mansplain*Don't Look Down Your Nose At Me*I Have Less & Less Qualms About Becoming The Comic Book Anti-Hero/Supervillain These Days!

[Do you ever find yourself stuck in a cycle? Currently, I cannot cash my checks until I get my ID renewed... guess what I need in order to do that - money. Oh the annoyance of bullshit government interference. Why do I need to update my ID when it has the same information and even photo on it? Seriously ridiculous.]

On top of that, my favorite group just got overtaken and a new woman placed in charge. She is the kind of woman who mansplains and has bigoted beliefs. 

She actually tried to take over my mother's job as editor of the newsletter we make. It would have been hilarious if she hadn't been trying to tell her how it's done. My mother has been making newsletters since she was in High School on the Yearbook Staff. 40 years of experience and this woman is talking to her like she's an idiot! My mama doesn't just know how to do it the old school luddite way, but also several different computer programs and - in addition - she knows how to take it from one program to another if she has to! 

This woman refuses to use a computer and would rather do it Story Board style - despite the fact the printers being accustomed to getting everything as a PDF via email! 

The joke ended up being on her, though. Not only was the woman late with the newsletter - but the higher ups who approve of everything didn't actually want to print it. They actually asked my mother if she could do it - on ridiculously short notice, by the way! - because they had basically scraps to work with from that woman. 

Not only did my mother manage to fix and add in everything that was missing, but she did it in the space of 4 hours! Yes, you read that correctly - hours! 

Moreover, the liaison immediately after reading it, emailed her the following:

"Looks waaayyyyy better than what I had LOL!"

I am eagerly anticipating the next meeting if only because I hope to see her face when she has to eat crow and apologize for trying to "fix" something which was never broken in the first place. If she doesn't at least thank my mother, I am going to put on one hell of a show when I fucking quit. I loathe people who look down on others the way she does. 


Beware of opinionated people who are in tune with your bad social cues and have their own blogs! I am loud, queer, and have no fear! I will never just shut up & change the subject - and I can type 70 words per minute!