Since The Beginning:

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

NEW YEAR'S EVE (Create your own Sunshine!)

I know it's Tuesday, so I should be throwing a musical suggestion your way. However, I don't like most music centered to this time of year. And, since it is New Year's Eve over on my hemisphere, I didn't think it would be noticed if I changed the theme of today's post.*

I have been in a bit of a state lately. Between the weather, my health, and my abject disdain for current affairs - personal and worldwide - it's been a bit of a trial even finishing a few paragraphs. I have been listening to music and watching Asian dramas when I'm not sleeping. Somehow, it uplifts me.

I've still been binge watching The Brightest Star in The Sky - I'm obviously on episode 35...

夜空中最闪亮的星 35 | The Brightest Star in The Sky 35(黄子韬、吴倩、牛骏峰、曹曦月主演)

I'm looking forward to watching more today while everyone else is getting drunk.

 Still, in all seriousness, if you are out partying tonight - be careful! Have a designated driver on hand - not just on call. Have a sober buddy with you if you need to Uber or Lyft. Make sure you cell phone is charged. Basically, keep safe as best you can. Especially if you're in one of the places like myself where the weather is extreme. I love you and have a lovely holiday.

*If you want a suggestion, Fur Elise (piano style) is the best you'll get today.