Since The Beginning:

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

N.Y.E. New Year's "Evolution" #ScienceRocks

Okay. So I had this idea that since New Year's Eve is abbreviated to be NYE it should focus less on bad habits like drinking to death and more on science and how we could save our world from annihilation. This came because everyone reads "NYE" and obviously thinks of Bill Nye. I grew up on the Science Guy from elementary to as late as high school. I still learn from him as an adult, and I'm not ashamed.

Learning is a form of growth, evolution in itself. It shouldn't be seen as something shameful just because we've hit a certain arbitrary number of years on this planet. I love to learn. The world is fascinating and mind boggling. The universe, even more impossibly beautiful and mysterious.

We know climate change is real. We know the ways to avoid making it worse and even ways to start fixing the problem - but because they're difficult or rip us away from our nasty habits the majority of us are all on board to sink the ship we're on.

I'm a mother of not one but two boys. I have cousins with even more children. I have friends with children. We are all worried about what will happen to them should this selfish behavior continue. It is abominable to think we are only concerned with this because we were in the position to be mothers.

For those of you who believe we only care because we have children - think again. I know a number of people whom have no children (or plans for any) who are also up in arms about this nightmare we are putting onto our beautiful planet.

For instance, my sister only has cats. My best friend, she's surrounded by dogs. My buddy I affectionately call Bobby/Robot, has a dog and a cat and a spouse to worry about. We are all conscious of what this world is becoming.

What bothers us is that we are all working so hard to make a change only to be drowned out and ignored. 

We don't need the A/C to be on when we leave the house. 
We don't need to drive to work if we only live 2 blocks away. 
Why aren't we all using Solar Panels? 
Why are none of us planting trees or working gardens?
Why does no one care about forest fires? Ocean pollution? 

What is it going to take before we finally stand up and make a change? 

And why do I fear it will be too late when we finally do?

I apologize if I got off topic in your eyes. I will not apologize for anything else. I stand by my words. Now lets stand together and save Mother Earth. She's the only home we'll ever have.
