Since The Beginning:

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Metal Music - Because I don't want to write about Father's Day...

My Cousin's Band Practice is annoyingly good. For a Metal band. I Won't Tell which one is my Cousin, though. because I feel that would make this seem impartial. The truth is, I haven't really been into Metal for about 6 years now. Not this genre of Metal anyway. It disturbs me that anyone would abuse their vocal chords that way, when our voices are arguably our most powerful weapons when it comes to impacting the world.
I really only enjoy Metal bands when I'm in a very specific mood. I have to be unreasonably angry and unable to articulate the cause. Otherwise, I just don't get into it very much. Needless to say, I loved Metal when I was in my teenage years. Age 11 through 20, I was very into the angry screaming chaos that best describes the Metal genre.

Nowadays, I lean more towards punk, alternative, and classic rock with a bit of grunge and country thrown in for good measure.

Although, I'm a sucker for any music where there's a piano and/or a violin. Have a lovely time and feel free to comment some musical suggestions if you think you can change my mind.