Since The Beginning:

Sunday, January 9, 2011

rambling and poetry

Don't wanna wait in line... I know who I am. I would never run away when life gets bad. I got nerve.

Sadly, I know who sings that. :(

As it is, I'm typing with my hand half asleep and can't stop thinking about my ex??? i'm not even sure i can call him that. my biggest issue with him is that i never know where i stand.
it's so irritating.
for the longest time i was in love with him. i never told him, of course.
that would be a huge mistake. he doesn't even know what he wants. *sigh*

sometimes i think i know exactly what is going on... other times i'm totally lost.

any spelling errors that occur are because i'm not looking at the screen. i refuse to. so here's hoping. sorry aunt sally if anything is wrng.

my head hurts
my heart bleeds
i feel like dirt
i don't feel a need.
my ache is all consuming
that's all i know right now
it's spooky and doom-like
like an interrupted flow.
my eyes stay closed
easier than seeing the turht before me
everyone seems to be opposed
to all these things i'm feeling...
wish i knew what to say,
what to do.
but it's all in my way...
everything i want to say to him... to you.
but it's stuck like virginity in a nun.
words are hiding in my throat.
with all these feeling sand people under the sun,
why can't i shout it out?
why do i have to fall for him?
he can't even be bothered
to remember my existence.
and everyone's opposed,
my mother, my father, my friends.

i hate this mess.