Since The Beginning:

Friday, January 6, 2012

"Death is Beautiful" - Misnomers can Go Fuck ThemSelves!

12:55 A.M.

-What ever fucking moron said that "Death is beautiful" or "there's beauty in death" should be beaten with a Fucking Shovel and forced to
endure the pain of having his or her appendages shoved into a damned blender!
-Let me start over. My stepfather died on January 4th. It was definitely NOT PRETTY in ANY FUCKING WAY.
I get it. I should be crying and saying all these things about him so everyone could feel they knew him or whatever. But NO!
The first person who tells me that "anger is a stage of grief" should seriously start running about half an hour before opening their mouth.
I took Psychology classes - I'm not an idiot.
I am fully aware of the stages of grief and this has nothing to do with that.
This is me saying what SO MANY people *wish* they could vocalize.
You emo-morons-with-a-death-wish-necrophiliac-hard-on-wannabes should remove your heads from your asses and Wake the Fuck Up!
Life is beautiful. Death is a messy wreck of turmoil and disgusting hellishness.
There is no excuse for saying it is anything other than what it is.
Yes - it's necessary. Yes - it is inevitable.
No - lying to make oneself feel better is *not* excusable...
Death is there. Live with it. Deal with it. Move on. But don't ever try and lie to me and say how lovely it is.
Roses are lovely. Raindrops are lovely. Snowflakes are lovely.
Sunshine and Rainbows and Laughter... Those are lovely. Death... is fucking ugly and you all need to face that fact.
Or endure the trauma when you don't. Either way - don't come to me with your weak-balled band-aid "poetic" NONSENSE!
My mother went into a manic depressive episode when we found him - NOT BEAUTIFUL!
My sister started crying and freaking out - NOT BEAUTIFUL!
My brother started saying he "should have known something was wrong" and refuses to cry because he's a boy; he's angry. And guess what - it is NOT BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!
The shade of white a person gets when they die is NOT beautiful!
The purple lips are NOT BEAUTIFUL!
And the lack of a pulse when you search for it - not romantic so the stupid authors should seriously quit being so SWEET about it in their DAMNED VAMPIRE NOVELS! (I like and write vamp novels so don't start comparing me to any religious fanatics you may know - this is totally unrelated to that shit)
There is NOTHING at all BEAUTIFUL about Death...
So stop FANTASIZING about it you emo-morons...
Poetry is beautiful - yes. Death is poetic - so is everything else in the world if you have a creative bone in your body.
This doesn't mean death is beautiful. It never will.
Before anyone asks me how I'm "dealing" or "coping" with everything - the answer is as follows:
I'm alternating between my FUCK playlist and the song Walk Of Life by Billie Piper...
If you all have any annoying, repetitive, pointless, stupid, inane questions - by all means, comment on this post.
If you can't because you're only a reader and not actually a blogger - there's a link to my Facebook and Youtube somewhere on here.
And, no, I won't answer them individually. I'll compile them and just do a blog about them...
Just for future reference. Now, I'm off to actually sleep so that I can do a whole bunch of other Death-Related actions in the morning.
Buenas Noches.


1:20 A.M.