Since The Beginning:

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Eat That, SparkleButt


"Eat that, SparkleButt." Sky says when Jericho goes after Ziggler. (5 year olds are *so* cute!)
I literally fall off the couch and onto the floor when Jericho loses... I do everything but cry,
I am so upset to see him go! I still can't believe his contract has been terminated and that he's
now gone from the WWE.

Missing Summer Slam was bad enough, but all this drama just busts up my mind.
I wanted to kick Paul DumbF**k in the face when he called BROCK JERKFACE LESNER
the new King of Kings. "Triple H is the ONLY King of Kings!" to quote Phoenix.
Damn straight. I ran right to Twitter to post that quote of hers when she spoke it.

I'll admit Sheamus didn't win fairly at Summer Slam. However, I don't give a shit because the
referee made that call. I'll also concede Sheamus' behavior tonight was less than mature.
Again, I don't care - I got a kick out of it! I was laughing my ass off throughout Del Rio &
Randy Orton's match... I loved when Orton won and I certainly loved everything Sheamus had
to say.

Normally, I'm a huge PUNK fan. Tonight, however, I must say I agreed with JOHN CENA a
hundred percent. While I also believe PUNK deserved the apology from Jerry... I don't think
kicking him in the head was worth it. If anything, his search for Respect is actually costing him
the Respect he had to start with. I respected him plenty, even after everything, until tonight. I don't
think I can say I still respect him after that HEEL move... One can't demand respect from people as
if they are mindless yuppie zombies who'll do anything one says simply because one says something.
Acting like we won't realize it's how he's treating his fans (and everyone else's fans) isn't going to get him
anywhere. *Sigh.*

When KANE snapped on ZACK, his freaking PARTNER, I just started getting fed up with the whole night.
Yes, DANIEL BRYAN ran off like a COWARD. Yes, KANE was FRUSTRATED. However, going after your
partner instead of your OPPONENT'S PARTNER is hardly Fair or Worth Watching.

"I'm imagining something Amazing." Sydney (7 years old) said at the end of RAW, and all I could think is -
"So am I, kid... So am I." Thankfully, I have a Kick-Ass imagination and Creativity up the WaZoo...
Eventually, a bunch of happy thoughts will enter my head and I'll quit feeling so Jipped. That is how I feel
right now... Jipped. Upside, Orton won his match with Del Rio... and Sin Cara won his match... Suppose I'll
just have to be content with that, if nothing else.

I should really go to bed soon. I'm sitting for Phoenix's little sisters tomorrow while she's at work...