Since The Beginning:

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Not for the Faint of Heart!

Alright. I'm not sure which is the weirder of the 2 dreams I had last night...

First, I dreamt of -well- having hot & heavy sex with (you guessed it) Ted Raimi...
On a couch. In my own apartment... It was weird. I never have detailed sex dreams,
let alone really great orgasms in my sleep. Yes, that was plural on purpose.
I always thought T.R. was cute, but I'm still uncertain where this recent fascination stems from.

Later, I followed that dream up with one about joining the Power Rangers... I was a Black Ranger.
Not for the awesome, ORIGINAL Rangers, either... I was a Time Force Ranger... So weird.

What is oddest is that I would have both these dreams in one night. Weirder still is that I'd have 2 dreams
in one night in the first place... I'm still unsettled I even remember them both. I usually fight hard to
regain images from my dreams, so it really is weird.

Hell, these dreams are *so* kooky I won't even say the words out loud. So, if I ever feel the need to
talk about them, I'll have to have Tia read it on here first. LOL!

I seriously never, ever, have sex dreams. Yes, I realize I'm more hung up on that than I am Ted Raimi's
featuring in it. Or that I became a freakin' Power Ranger. I'll admit, normal people would focus on these.
Because I understand these portions of my mind, I'm not too concerned. I watch Power Rangers with
the kids I babysit - no big deal. I was a huge fan as a child growing up. Heck, I'm more surprised it was
Rangers instead of Ninja Turtles, if I'm honest. Besides, what person doesn't dream of being a superhero
at some point in life? So I was a Ranger instead of Wonder Woman - big deal... -_-
As for Ted Raimi - *shrugs.* I had a crush on his character O'Neil from SeaQuest. Also on his character,
Joxer, from Xena. Plus, Tia has been playing Evil Dead Regeneration before bed quite a lot the past few
days or so. I'm not too concerned with it. I'll admit, most people are probably wondering why it's Ted Raimi
instead of Bruce Campbell if she's been playing that video game so often... Frankly, Bruce Campbell is awesome
but, even if they were only dreams, I'm pretty sure Tia would get jealous and kill me over it. (J.k.)
Truth, he's awesome...but not really my type. :(:

Now, I'm off to find food. Orgasms make a girl hungry, don't you know?

May your thoughts and comments all be entertaining!