Since The Beginning:

Friday, November 22, 2019


"Johnny, it's for luck. A man proposes marriage to a woman, he should kneel down."
- Loretta (Johnny gets down on the floor.)
"She's got him on his knees; he's ruining his suit!"
-Bobo the Waiter
"Is that man praying?"
"So--" -Johnny
"Where's the ring?"-Loretta
"The ring..." -Johnny
"You propose marriage to a woman you should offer her a ring of engagement." - Loretta
((my favorite part is how matter of fact Loretta is being throughout all this.))
"Okay, well, who is he?" ~Loretta
"He's my younger brother." ~Johnny
"You got a brother?" ~Loretta
"Who's dead?"-Mrs.Castorini
"Nobody. Loretta's getting married."-Mr.Castorini
"Yeah..."-Loretta Castorini
"Do you love him, Loretta?"-Mrs.Castorini
"Good. When you love them, they drive you crazy 'cause they know they can. But you like him?"-Mrs.Castorini
"Oh, yeah. You know, he's a sweet man, Ma."-Loretta
"How's the mother?" Mrs.Castorini (in reference to Johnny's mom)
"She's dying, but I could still hear her big mouth." Loretta
"I don't care! I ain't no freakin' monument to justice! I lost my hand! I lost my bride! Johnny has his hand!
Johnny has his bride! You want me to take my heartbreak, put it away and forget?!"
"Is it just a matter of time before a man opens his eyes and gives up his one dream? His one dream of happiness?"
"You can't see what you are, and I see everything. You're a wolf."
"He made me look the wrong way and I cut off my hand.
He could make you look the wrong way; you could lose your whole head."
"What did you do?"~Ronny
"What did *I* do?!"~Loretta
"You ruined my life."~Ronny
"That's impossible! It was ruined when I got here. You ruined my life."~Loretta
"No, I didn't."~Ronny
"Oh, yes, you did! Oh, yes, you did. You know, you got them bad eyes like a gypsy.
And I don't know why I didn't see it yesterday."~Loretta
"She's young and bright and as full of promise as moonlight in a martini."
"Playing it safe is about the most dangerous thing a woman like you could do.
I mean, you waited for the right man the first time. Why didn't you wait for the right man again?"
"Because he didn't come." _Loretta_
"I'm HERE!"_Ronny_
"You're late!"_Loretta_
"You know, we had a deal. You told me if I came with
you to the opera, then you'd leave me alone forever.
And I came *with* you. Now, I'm gonna marry your brother and
you're gonna leave me alone forever, right?
A person can see where they've messed up in their life and they can change
the way they do things. And they can even change their luck.
So maybe my nature does draw me to you, that don't mean I've got to go with it.
I can take hold of myself and I can say yes to some things
and no to other things that are gonna ruin everything and I can do that.
Otherwise, you know what? What good is this stupid life that God gave us?
I mean, for what? Are you LISTENING to me?" _LORETTA_
"I don't care if I burn in Hell. I don't care if you burn in Hell.
The past and the future is a joke to me now. I see that they're nothing.
I see they ain't here. The only thing that's here is you and me." _RONNY_
   "I wanna go home." -Loretta-
"No!" _Ronny_
    "I'm gonna go home." -Loretta-
"No!" _Ronny_
    "I'm freezing to death." -Loretta-
"Come upstairs. I don't care *why* you come. No, that's not what I mean.
Loretta, I love you. Not like they told you love is. And I didn't know this either.
But love don't make things nice. It ruins everything. It breaks your heart.
It makes things a mess. We aren't here to make things perfect. The snowflakes are perfect.
The stars are perfect. Not us. Not us. We are here to ruin ourselves and -- and to break our hearts,
and love the wrong people and -- and die. I mean, the storybooks are bullshit! Now,
would you come upstairs with me and-- and-- and get in my bed!? Come on... come on... come on..."
"I just want you to know no matter what you do, you're gonna die just like everybody else."
~Mrs. Rose Castorini
"Your mother's recovered from Death."
~Mrs. Rose Castorini
"Oh, good... We're not close; I'm not really moved, but, uhhm, good."