Since The Beginning:

Saturday, July 31, 2010

back track part 2

7-30-2010 Friday
2:37 AM

This is total bullshit. My sister didn't know about mom losing our monthly income. As if we didn't have enough problems already. She's been really stressed lately, but I'm still always surprised when she has a meltdown. She really needs to talk to one of her friends. Pity that they are all online. Aren't all the best ones?
We are going to try see if there's still WyFi outside the library at this time of night. That way she can at least try, ya know? She really needs to vent and I'm so not in the mood for this bullshit, either.

I wanna go out for karaoke but I'm not sure if T* and I are still on for it, or even if it's gonna happen at the bar... I just feel like shit.

I understand how Meimei feels. It's as though, without our access to the outside world, we are being put into a box and left to being forgotten at the back of a dark, dusty closet. I don't like that feeling. But I've got it now...


7-30-2010 Friday
3:34 AM

Well, sis has several she can connect to. I'm sitting right next to her and cannot get any signal. This is extremely screwed up. Guess I'll go listen to some music and make another vid for youtube just to annoy the hell outta people. Really hope someone has said something about my status on Facebook about Renfaire. *lips pout* if not, i'll cry.
