Since The Beginning:

Saturday, July 31, 2010

an email to my friend

Getting a job is past hard and now nearly impossible. i'm actually considering losing weight and becoming a stripper... not that anyone would hire me but it'd be better than nothing.
The whole thing with losing the internet leads to me writing more blogs and creating more vids for youtube. As if I didn't make enough already. I don't really update my blog that much though, so that's something. It's losing the phone that pisses me off the most. I may be a facebook whore, but that I can ignore/go to the library for. it's a bit more difficult to call someone to make sure ur plans are still on without a phone to do so... agh it's so irritating. losing the internet is hell on my sister though because it's the only way at all that she can converse with her friends. so it's like being shut away in a box, taped up, and locked in a dusty attic... totally alone and forgotten. as u can see, i understand her problem.
I didn't stop writing on purpose. I just lost my muse I guess. I couldn't think of anything to write about. Those stories are the last ones I finished. It was semi-important to me, yes. BUT the most important thing to me was-is-always will be : MY MUSIC... i may not be able to play any instruments but i sure as hell can sing my heart out. and i won't quit braggin bout it either. lol. i used to write my own songs but... they are starting to sound like something a thirteen year old would say. ugh. jonas brothers/hannah montana/beiber bullshit UGH... idk. maybe i can fuck around with the stuff later. maybe i'll even be smart enough to remember to send you an audio or 2.
You aren't the only one who needs to get her life straightened out and started... i don't think i'm putting it off so much as stuck in a rut where i don't have an outlet for anything. which sucks just as much. my friend is gonna teach me how to drive but idk when she'll have the time to do it. then i can HOPEFULLY get my license.
Right now, though. I just wanna go to Ren-Faire next weekend (i'd prefer this one but i'm not gonna be hopeful) and see Hob the Troll perform. LOL... (he's cute, too. for a troll.) and maybe i'll hang out with cameron, my cousin's boyfriend. he's a hottie but i'll be good. lol. since my cousin is psycho. i'm sooo not dating right now. half convinced i won't ever start again. everyone around here are total ass-hats, dumb-fucks, dirt-bags, morons, psychos, trash-talkers, or possessive... not to mention the insensitive, intolerant, prejudicial, religious loons...
i am sooo passing right now. unless the right person comes along but THAT will never happen. not around here, anyway...
okay, i'm rambling. time to shut up.